Friday, June 29, 2007

Random Musings

I've been on an Irish kick these days. First I am strangely addicted to Marian Keyes books. They are perfect summer reading. Nice and fluffy and make you laugh.

On Wednesday, I was really taken by Nuala O'Faolain on CBC radio being interviewed by Eleanor Wachtel on Writers and Company. I thought about running out to get her book, but then I am now thinking of getting it as an audio book since I just loved listening to her speak. She had a really interesting self deprecating manner but brutally honest and funny through that. The fact that I actually am thinking about her work 2 days later is probably a sign that I should read/listen to her more eh?

I am really enjoying the house( just not the what seems like a giant mortgage payment!) I didn't think I would like a backyard as much as I do. I am pulling weeds, whacking them (Thanks to a friend who gave me his old weed whacker) and even mowing the lawn. I will get around to uploading more pictures one of these days. I am doing more grunt work and planning for next year with the garden then actually doing a lot of planting. I loved having fresh garden strawberries to give away( I was avoiding them because of the possible allergy) and wondering what plant was going to open next( Right now my star burst (?) lilies are out- the orange poppies were glorious but they don't last long) Next year I want more of these, more peonies, and more ferns I think. I would like to have my hostas do better too. Is anyone amazed that I am going on about plants like this??

My cat is loving it outside. I try to sit and read and drink my tea outside after supper on some days just to make him so happy. I need to chickenwire the gate off. It is amazing - he is so fat but he can squish through the smallest of spaces. He almost got himself killed yesterday though. Ran out into the front yard and then as I was trying to retrieve him bolted into the street as a car was coming. I screamed his name and the van stopped thank god. He just stopped in the middle of the street. The neighbours think I am nuts I suppose( didn't help that I was wearing green vertical stripped pj bottoms, and a horizontal blue striped t-shirt- I was lounging around the house when I needed to go to the car for some reason.)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you found home. I'd be happy to take the berries off your hands but you know... I'm far.

Lorena Ferguson said...

Hey Michelle. The house sounds awesome and I am so glad your cat didn't get run over! Haven't run into you at Julie's for a long time - hope that happens at some point.