Monday, October 09, 2006

Flat Stanley

Apparently flat Stanley was flattened by a falling bulletin board....

We had a fab week.... with one bad episode.... see I took Stanley out for a walk and it was windy so I tied a string around him.... flat kid + high wind = Kite... Stanley had fun with it though - he soared above the treetops and house

and was rescued by some people on the 4th floor scaffolding. This is why I don't have kids. Can't keep them from blowing away

I was concerned with safety after this.....made sure he was belted in.....

We did have some fun times.... playing in the leaves...... and with his creator my lovely neice
I even took him to my computer class.......

He even met some wild life.....
A fun time all in all.....


Anonymous said...

I thought he got flattened by a chalk board. Hmmmmm

Oh well. worst part is that he seems to have a more active life then I do.



Anonymous said...

Chicka! I see Stanley got out and about... did you let the construction guys go... or are they safely tucked away in your lair... ha


gadgetgrl said...

maybe it was a chalkboard? hmmm well i guess- whatever- something flattened him.. which I think is a concern- I don't think someone should become so flat they fit in an enevelope... something had to be congetially wrong with him. Maybe Dr House should investigate.

Those construction workers were nasty! did you see the teeth on one of them? or rather the lack of them? I have a strict tooth to tattoo ratio in choosing men. Now if they were buff, shirtless, hot and sweaty - they would have been in my lair hahaha

Anonymous said...

heehee. what an adventure you too had! :)

Miette said...

I'm glad you found some adventures for Flat Stanley! The playing in the leaves one is cool, but it's lucky for Stanley that it wasn't a windy day!