Thursday, January 05, 2006

I think I need a nap... off to the gym I go

My speed of a gym class I think . Naptime Classes.... Very odd.Very intriging in a way.

The lights are dim, there’s trance music wafting. Frankly, I could nod off very happily. And that, apparently, is the desired effect. For the first time in a career of failing to keep up with the rest of an exercise class, it seems that I’m actually doing the moves correctly. If you could call them moves, that is.
This is a “Naptime class”, one of a growing trend of classes now popular in California, where the idea is not to bounce frenetically like a short-circuited Energiser Bunny but to take time out from the fast pace of life and slow things down. Energetic workouts, it seems, may finally be on the wrong side of fashionability.
“Naptime was born as an alternative to the exhausting and hectic pace of city life,” explains Colin Kim, 27, who teaches the hour-long class once a week. “Sometimes intense exercise routines simply add to people’s daily stresses, rather than helping them to unwind. People think: ‘I’ve got to be running, lifting, pushing myself harder.’ Well, those people can burn themselves out pretty fast and that subtracts from their fitness goals.
“This is a kinder, gentler class, with absolutely no element of competition. It’s a treat that people look forward to rather than dread. I believe there is a trend and a need for exercises which slow things down. Just look at how popular yoga has become.” ...........................................


Anonymous said...

Damn, now that is my kind of exercise....he he


Anonymous said...

You see, this is the kind of thing I could do EVERY day. No sweat and rest...

Yoga and chocolate.. followed by Naptime.


Anonymous said...

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arizona bikram yoga